What Do I Need To Be A Paraplanner That Everyone Wants To Use?
This is what you'll need to be successful as a contract paraplanner.
- Heart for service. I know from experience how hard most advisers work to get their client in the door and have them trust them. It's also a huge upfront cost for them to offer a free appointment and get the client to proceed. To have this relationship jeopardised by a SoA that isn't correct or doesn't get returned on time is a huge loss to their business. Being service-driven is a gift for advisers and will ensure they use you for years to come.
- Fast communication. Being quick to respond to emails, chat messages, notifications and the odd phone call are all vital. We've set up systems to make it as easy as possible for you to fit your work around your lifestyle but you will need to communicate in a professional, fast way to all messages. We aim for less than 2 hours to reply to most messages and less than 48 hours from receipt of a SoA request to ask questions.
- Secure computer, reliable internet connection, mobile phone and email address (that has appropriate alerts set up). These are all standard requirements for outsourced workers and help allay adviser's fears that their information will be compromised or that you've disappeared. You'll also need to delete client files every month.
- Delivery on deadlines. Almost all advisers are booking client appointments based on having their SoAs completed in 5 business days or less. It's easier to under-commit and deliver earlier than risk missing the expected completion date.
- Reasonable expectations. Contract paraplanning has extreme fluctuations that Paraplanner.com.au aims to reduce through the way we allocate work. We aren't able to guarantee work will remain at a certain level ongoing but do our best to encourage advisers to send ongoing work as well as seeking out new contracts for you.