Managing Files in Podio

File size

The maximum file size is 100 megabytes.

File types

Listed below are the most common file types that can be uploaded:

  • In an app, for an Image field: jpg, gif, png, bmp, etc.
  • In an app, as a file attachment: The above file types plus mp4, mov, wmv, flv, swf, mp3, avi, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, txt, csv, odt, ods, etc.
  • In conversations (messages/chats), comments, status post, tasks: all of the above file types.

File services

Podio integrates with a lot of different file sharing services:

Connect these to your Podio account by clicking either the paperclip icon next to status bars, the "Attach files"-button in tasks, or the "Add files" button in app items.

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