Podio Search
The search option is found in the top blue bar (see the screenshot below).
Search in Podio is contextual based on what you are viewing when performing the search.
You can search within:
- Items: title, text and number field values, comments, tags
- Tasks: title, description, comments. Private tasks are searchable only by the creator and the (currently) responsible.
- Statuses: body, comments
- Files: name
- Conversations: title, messages. Searchable only by the participants.
- Profiles: name, title, skill, about, location, mail, phone, Skype
If you search within an App and don't find what you're looking for, simply click "Search all workspaces" and get results from all your workspaces.
You can also add an item to any app from here. Simply search for the name of the app, and click the "+" button that appears in the resulting drop down menu.
For more details on searching in Podio, you can find the exact documentation here.
Pro tip: Press "S" on your keyboard to start a search without having the click the search icon.
Pro tip II: Type the name of an app into search, tab down to select it and hit Shift+Enter to go straight to creating a new item in this app.